Hello Everyone!
Audrey is still doing really well! She is so much fun and we are having a great time with her. Her speech is developing incredibly rapidly and it is so great to communicate with her more and more each day.
Just this weekend, Audrey sung the ABC song from start to finish. It's not perfect, but I'm still really impressed for a not even two-year-old!
Audrey is up to some four-word sentences now. Two of the most recent that I can think of are unfortunately from her recent bout of the flu - "I don't like it." and "I don't want it." She has lots of other sentences that she can say, but she said those two a lot when we were trying to take her temperature and give her medicine.
Michael has been spending a lot of time with Audrey and the new "You're Baby Can Read" program. I'm pretty sceptical of the whole thing, but I think it's great for them to spend the time together and Audrey seems to really enjoy it. One of the segments focuses on the zoo, so Audrey was extra excited when we went to the zoo today. She already has been talking about elephants, tigers and turtles, and really enjoyed seeing them in the flesh!
Audrey's other favorite animal at the zoo was the giraffe. She was a little overwhelmed at how close came, but then each time she saw a picture of a giraffe for the rest of the day, she yelled "giraffe!:
Audrey loves to read now, which makes me very happy. She will bring us a book, and ask us to read it to her. Her favorite book right now is "Hooray for Fish!" It's a neat book and we enjoy reading it to her every night. She has her favorite fish and likes to read it at least a couple of times before bed. The one she likes best seems to be the "gripy" fish, I guess because I always say "gripy" in a funny voice :)
I would say that Audrey's other favorite thing(s) right now are stairs. She is crazy about stairs! The only thing we have upstairs is our attic and laundry room, but she asks to go up there all the time! And she is quite upset if we don't let her... she is also really wanting to "do self" right now. So sometimes she doesn't even want to hold on at all. We've had a few battles, but overall she is pretty easygoing, or at least easygoing for a toddler :) There are certain things that are non-negotiable of course, and if she doesn't want to hold my hand when crossing the street or in a parking lot, she's learning that she doesn't get to walk!
Finally, Audrey is still very affectionate and so sweet. She stopped breastfeeding last month, and now only takes a bottle with warm water at night. She has been sleeping through the night really well in the queen size bed in her room. It is so great. Our only issues at all are actually getting her down, I have a bad habit laying down with her and falling asleep... but when she doesn't want to go to sleep, she tries to get attention... so the other night, she kept kissing me & telling me she loved me. It was so cute, but I had to ignore her as much as I could and remind her it was time for night night.
Well, that was quite an essay, and it's time for me to go night night! Thanks for reading!
Enjoy our zoo photos:
And dinner after the zoo. Audrey really wanted some ketchup and french fries :)
And a few photos from Papa's house:
Love the pigtails!
Great photos! We're glad you're blogging again!