I have to work today, no holiday for us in the U.S., but we are heading up to Toronto on Wednesday evening, so that's exciting. We're going to try to drive through the night so that Audrey will be sleeping for as much as possible of the 12 hour drive. On a much shorter drive on Saturday she was trying to escape from her car seat, so we want to minimize the stress of the trip as much as possible by driving at night.
Audrey is getting closer to walking, but still won't let go. It's pretty funny. I'm convinced that she could walk if she tried, but she insists on holding onto something. Unless she picks up two objects she's interested in, then she'll stand there quite happily not holding onto anything. Last night we tried to encourage her to walk from Michael to me, but she just drops into a crawl. I'm not worried about it, I figure this way, by the time she lets go she'll be an expert walker and won't fall down too much. She's quite a speedy crawler though, and can even zip around backwards.
Audrey is extremely vocal, and tries to mimic almost any word I say. She consistently says "uh" for up when she wants me to pick her up, she says her little friend Addie's name, and says "gop" alot, I'm not sure what that one means yet :) She also has been trying to say bottle, bird and ball. It looks like she will be quite a chatterbox soon.
She's also teething, but doing really well with that, we hardly notice any problems, othe than a little occasional clinginess. She has four teeth fully in, and at least two more are coming in.
Hope everyone is doing well & wish us luck with our trip, hopefully we'll have lots of good pictures! Here are some recent ones:
Audrey & her friend Wilder. Audrey likes to feed people.
I set up the piano for Audrey to play with and she really seemed to enjoy it:
I was organizing some of the toys that Audrey has grown out of, and thought I would see what she thought of her old bouncy seat. She looks so much bigger in it now!
And here are a few more fun ones, she is quite the little monkey and loves to climb on and stand on things.
Nice pictures as usual.
ReplyDeleteI love the pictures! She has the most gorgeous eyes! And it's so nice to see all of Adele's clothes again... brings back memories :)