Audrey keeps getting more and more fun. I really enjoyed her excitement about Halloween and I can't wait for Christmas. I've posted most of these photos on facebook, but also wanted to share with Audrey's non-facebook fans.
We had a nice visit with Michael in Columbus this weekend and stayed with our friends Holly & Justin's - and Baby Dean. We went to the zoo for some Halloween festivities and Audrey got some practice trick-or-treating. It was neat to see all the kids in their costumes and Audrey had fun with her Daddy.
We were home for Halloween and Audrey was very excited. I was impressed at how well she did, she walked a long way and still had the energy to run the last block just for fun. She also surprised me with how well she did at the houses - people could barely get their door open before she exclaimed "trick or treat!" I thought she might be shy, but she was not at all.
She also made me laugh when we stopped by some friends' house and she needed to got to the bathroom. I told her she needed to ask, so she asked them, "Do you have a bathroom here?"
Lately I've noticed that Audrey's sense of time is starting to develop - she will refer to things that happened before today as "yesterday," although it might not have been exactly yesterday. She also likes to talk about the "sky" being up in the morning, and about it getting dark. Her imagination is also really growing and she will tell me little stories and play on her own and pretend she is playing with a friend or cooking in her little kitchen.
Next week we are driving up to Philadelphia for our last visit before we actually move. I'm glad Audrey is such a good traveler and hope she keeps it up!