Happy Easter everyone!
Everything is going well down here in Kentucky. Spring has sprung & the weather is beautiful. We had a wonderful Easter weekend, especially since Audrey's Baba was here to visit!
Audrey is still cruising around, getting faster and faster all the time. She still falls down, but much less often than she used to. She is getting close to walking, but still prefers to hold on for balance.
Audrey loves to talk & babbles away most of the time. She pretty consistently says Dada and "doh" for dog, and bye-bye and hi. She also is getting pretty skilled at mimicking speech - last week she said Audrey almost perfectly, and we were pretty amazed! She has also managed to say Up a bunch of times, but doesn't say it all the time.
At her 12 month check-up Audrey weighed 17 lb 11 oz. Less than I hoped, but she is still on the same curve she's been on, so the pediatrician was happy. The pediatrician was also very impressed with Audrey's development and said that she is perfectly on target for her actual age. We knew that she was doing really well, but it was nice to hear it. So she's small, but doing really well. We are very proud of her. She still has a great happy personality.
Audrey had her first real illness this week, but has already bounced back. She had a double ear infection with a fever of 104 degrees, and they were concerned she might have pneumonmia, but luckily that wasn't true. She's been on some strong antibiotics, and they are upsetting her little tummy, but at least she's getting better.
To celebrate Easter Audrey went on her first Easter egg hunt, and also tried out a slide and swing for the first time. It was a beautiful sunny afternoon with our friends & family. I also included some photos from a couple of weeks ago of Audrey trying out a wagon ride. The photos of Audrey sitting in the grass show that she wasn't too sure about the whole situation, but I thought they were pretty cute anyway :)
Hope you all are doing well & the photos will be in the mail this week!