Since Audrey fell asleep early, I thought I would try to catch up with some photos I've been meaning to upload! I am also finally feeling better. Over the last few weeks I've started to have more energy and it's great not to feel sick any more. It's hard basically being a single mom during the first trimester.
Everything is going well for Michael up in Philadelphia, except for missing us of course! His job seems to be great, and he has made some good friends already.
I am so proud of how well Audrey is doing. She can say pretty much anything she wants, and speaks so clearly. She has been learning her colors and shapes this summer and is starting to get some idea of numbers. I've been trying to get a good video of her lately to share how well she's doing!
She is a little joker and says such funny things. I need to make a list! Off the top of my head, some of my favorite things she's said lately are, "Mommy, I need my medicine, my allergies are hurting." She likes to say "I think it's [whatever], or something." And one of my favorite grammatical quirks is her alternative to the possessive "his" is him's. Too funny :)
Audrey is still really tiny, but she is healthy. She hasn't really gained any weight in the last 6 months, but she has grown about 2 inches. And she loves her fruit and vegetables. It's funny, but I sometimes worry that she's eating too much fruit and vegetables because she needs her fat & protein to grow!
Another wonderful thing about Audrey right now is how loving she is. She was always affectionate and gave lots of hugs and kisses. But now when she says she loves me, you can tell she means it :) She is very sweet.
On to the photos! I am posting some photos from our first trip to Philadelphia, and lots of other summer fun.